“An experience crafted for those who need it most .”

Welcome to ATOP’s Official Website!
The All Types Of People project is a volunteer work passion project run and directed by @TheButtercreamKing
ATOP Is currently unreleased but It is well on its way to becoming the animated series it was always meant to be!

Take a moment to breathe while you’re viewing this site! Our community will always be a safe space and we encourage you to take care of yourself before anything else!

This button will take you to our disclaimers! This will let you know what potentially triggering content is in our series!


Copyright © 2023 All Types Of People
All rights reserved.

The '' All Types Of People '' Project

Animated Production from MYV Studios | @ATOPofficial / @alltypesofpeopleofficial
Series Created 2018
Production Officially Began 2021


All Types of People ( ATOP ) Is an animated series awareness project created to engage viewers in a conversation about Moral philosophy, Human nature, Change, and Equality among people using symbolism and hopefully capturing storytelling elements.
We cover topics such as Mental Health, Childhood trauma and how it affects us as people, Mistreated minority groups [ LGBTQ+ , POC , etc .. ] , and more. We hope to provide voice to those who have been treated wrongly by the world and mankind.
This series is meant to help build empathy and respect for those who are frequently excluded from society or hurt by it, empowering them to take action and create a more just world. We hope to also educate viewers on False world views, including Stereotypes, and encourage them to challenge those beliefs.All in all, ATOP strives to create a conversation of change and positive impact on the world as a whole. A big task, we know.


When residents of the progressive and seemingly pure town of Wingtail are interrupted by a heinous crime they’ve no experience dealing with; clean slates witness the downfalls of humanity for the first time and are sent into a dreadful chaos.
How will the minds of young Dakoda and the rest of the Soldoon Family handle the first realization of the evil that mankind is capable of?


Reality is shattered and dormant fear is mistaken for deep anger.
In the midst of evil , a shabby group of amnesiacs will follow Earl, a creature of mystery, blindly into the jaws of an already growing chaos to try and piece together the remains of a family from the inside out.
Will their wits be plenty, or will their trust in this stranger be their end?


Copyright © 2023 All Types Of People
All rights reserved.


Want some insight on our character’s and worldbuilding? We’ve got you covered ; the button below will bring you to the site withholding character information for ATOP’s reoccurring cast!


Copyright © 2023 All Types Of People
All rights reserved.


We appreciate your interest in joining our cause! The ATOP Team is very welcoming of volunteers to the project!You must be at least 16+ to apply; and keep in mind this is an entirely collaborative volunteer project!
There is no payment at the moment. We are also not a team of sophisticated professionals. We understand that volunteer work is not for everyone and that's okay ! But if you apply keep in mind that you are volunteering your time to us.

Before you can apply ; we will need you to read our Information Document ! This will show you all our current available positions as well as skills required for each position.
It will also tell you all you need to know about being in our production! After this please fill out the form with all the required information and we will email you back as soon as we can!
We will also possibly email you back an invite to our Onboarding Discord server to assist you with our formal interviews.


Copyright © 2023 All Types Of People
All rights reserved.


All Types Of People is
Deemed not appropriate for all ages.

ATOP Contains:

• Deep descriptions of psychological and mental disorders; whether they be small or severe• Domestic violence between adults• graphic/on-screen gore and violence• depictions of psychological manipulation• depictions of the use of drugs/alcohol• characters with suicidal / depressive thoughts or actions• depictions of discrimination of the mentally unsound or people of the LGBTQ+ .

All purposes of the show is for representation purposes and does not intend to sugar coat any of what it’s trying to portray and what message we are trying to present.We do not support the actions of any ill-moraled characters. They are fictional and none of them are self-insert. They are not meant to represent real people nor is all of what is represented entirely true to reality ( some instances are exaggerated to bring out the messages ).Always view at your own discretion. Not everything will contain these themes and those that do WILL have a content warning before anything is shown at the beginning of episode or content.



> New button no WAY> Changed some images over on the Soldoon Wesbite! Art will be updating gradually on all sites> WOAHHHH WHY IS THE LOGO FLOATI122--> Some buttons produce cute effects now


> Impending Community Server; Contact @TheButtercreamKing if interested in moderation positions.> Production coming off hiatus